You’re engaged (yay!) …. and I get it
You want to be different but fulfil certain expectations.
You want to be cost efficient without seeming to scrimp.
You want to involve friends and family without causing them a ton of work and stress.
You want to throw an amazing party that will appeal to quite a disparate group of people... and across the generations.
Most of these pressures apply to ALL weddings but there are extra levels of pressure for Jewish weddings – how much of the traditional stuff do you do? How do you cater for kosher guests? The chuppah, the ketubah, the glass, kippot, the rituals, the rabbi...
But also, there is something within our community about creating huge weddings – the involvement of family, and the amount of money spent that is so much more onerous than other weddings and cultures.
There are many conflicting pressures – the relationship, the money, the families, the spiritual aspect, the fact that you’re on show and your creativity and interestingness and fun-ness is up for potential scrutiny.
And that’s where Brides Club comes in…
Just imagine having all the tools, resources and support you need to plan your perfect wedding your way, whilst keeping everyone around you happy.
Just imagine honest candid advice from not only me, but also just-married Jewish and Jew-ish brides, eager to tell you what worked for them (and also what they wish they’d known when they were in your shoes)
No more feeling overwhelmed, no more feeling stuck in the middle of family dramas and not knowing what to do. No more wondering where to start, or what order to do everything in, or feeling concerned that you’re being ripped off, or wondering how on earth you keep everybody happy.
You shouldn’t have to spend your time guessing, and trial-and-erroring your way to the best day of your life.
And just imagine having immediate access to handpicked discounts and generous gifts from wedding vendors that I've personally sifted and sorted through to meet my rigorous standards (and yours).
No more scouring the internet for the perfect wedding vendors, no more negotiating discounts with your dream vendors – I’ve done all the work for you.
You deserve the resources, support, advice and negotiated discounts you need to ensure you have your perfect wedding, your way.